Daiki Matsui's Home Page

Table of Contents

1 About Me

I received the master's degree in the Information and Computer Sciences from Kwansei Gakuin University, Hyogo, Japan, in 2019. I'm a member of IEEE and IEICE.

I'm currently a software enginner at NTT Communications in Japan from 2019. I develop and maintain a WebRTC platform SkyWay which enables real-time communication on the web easily without setting up and operating servers normally required for WebRTC.

My current interests are …

  • Modeling and analysis of communication networks
  • Programming (JavaScript, Python, Mathematica, UNIX/Linux programming)
  • Gaming (League of Legends, FPS)

2 Publications

2.2 Master's Thesis

  • "Studies on Geographic DTN Routing with Random Mobile Agents" PDF

3 Contact Information

Author: Daiki Matsui

Created: 2020-04-04 Sat 20:29
